Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maasai Village

After our safari and before we left mainland Tanzania we went to visit a Maasai Village. The Maasai tribes mainly live in southern Kenya and in northern central Tanzania. They are pastoralists and live a semi-nomadic way of life. Their culture centers around cattle which are considered rather sacred to them and makes up a big part of their livelihood. The Maasai also have artistic traditions which are obviously seen in the many colourful body decorations and beaded jewelry that they wear. The women are known for wearing the plate-like necklaces and the men for wearing a red-checked blanket called shuka.


At the Maasai Village we were first greeted by the Maasai performing their traditional dance and song. My sister and I actually got to join in! Afterwards we got to walk around their small village and see how they live. Their houses are simply made out of cow dung, straw and wood. Inside there is a place to sleep and a small fire which is used for heat and cooking. It was very dark inside as there were only a few small holes in the walls for air circulation and some light. The holes and entrance are intentionally made very small because this is to keep the dangerous wild animlas they live amongst out.


We also got to visit the small kindergarten of the village. The kindergarten is also made out of cow dung, straw and wood. Although it didn’t look like any kindergarten that we are used to, where there’s usually lots of toys, desks, chairs, colour and light, the kids acted just like any other kids as they were laughing and joking around. Most kids are simply the same all around the world :)

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  1. Høres ut som en historie fra National Geographic.
    Kos dere masse. Vi tenker på dere. Neste gang du hører fra meg er det fra Singapore.
    God klem fra oss i Tananger,
    Tante Anne, Frederick og Farmor

  2. I love that you are really getting to take in their culture...looks like so much fun!

  3. hei Biggi,
    bra skrevet!! Gleder meg hverdag aa lese nye innslag. :-) Klem fra Mamma
