Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Welcome to Leiden, Netherlands!

Today I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to catch my flight to Oslo and then on to Amsterdam. From Amsterdam airport it is only a 15 minute train ride to the beautiful and quaint city of Leiden. As soon as I arrived I made the bed, unpacked and got settled into my new home. Afterwards, I went to the visitor centre to pick up my Leiden University welcome bag which contained information about the city of Leiden and the university. Then I took a stroll through town and treated myself to a glass of white wine at one of the many restaurants by the canals. The sun was shining here today and it is suppose to do so for the next few days too. Lastly, I went to the grocery store to fill up the fridge and grabbed some take-out food on the way home :) It is nice, and I think it is important, to have some days to yourself every now and then. On thursday the university orientation starts so I know I will be really busy then!

Here are pictures of the house:

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My bedroom!


Love the details in this house!


Bathroom with a bathtub jacuzzi ;)

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Living room:

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Dining room:

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TV room


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I only took a few pictures while I was out and about today; check out my pretty neighborhood!


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So, anyone wanna come for a visit? ;)


  1. Du e flinke å ta bilder azz! :) ser jo mega kozey ut!

  2. Takk! Elske jo aa ta bilder eg vet du :) det ligge nok i blodet! Ja, me maa planlegga besok snart :)

  3. Wow, rålekkert hus! Så fiiiint rom! Have fun på orientation ;) ;)

  4. hei Birgit, kjempebra blogg! Helt enig med Thore, FLOTTE bilder!! Ønsker deg en god start og lykke til. Stor klem fra Mamma

  5. Liebe Birgit, super Blogg!!! Wir studieren mit :-)Bussi Oma und Fidel
