Since I have been home I have tried to spend as much time as I can with my lovely friends :) The day after I arrived we had a sushi night at my house. For ingredients we decided to have: cucumber, avocado, cream cheese, spiced sour cream, smoked salmon, crab stick and shrimp. It’s only your imagination that limits you when deciding on ingredients for sushi!


The next day, on Saturday, it was time for my 10 year reunion with the school that I graduated from in 2001! I think it was so great that someone had taken the initiative to organize this event. The party took place at a downtown bar which had been rented for the night. Before the party started I went to my bestfriend Lene’s house for some pre-drinks together with two other former class mates. To get ready for the night we went through the old school catalogues with pictures of all our former class mates! The evening was a big success and I hope there will be another reunion again in a few years ;) I didn’t take any pictures from the party, but here are some from when we were getting ready:

Another day with some of my friends we went for a little evening walk before we rented a movie:

On Wednesday and Tuesday this week I was invited to Benedicte’s house for breakfast before we took a stroll downtown and did a little bit of shopping :) We have been bestfriends since we meet in Halifax, Canada. Although, we are both the same age and both from Stavanger, we did not know each other until we were both living in Canada! She has now returned to Halifax to complete her last year of University, and I will miss her so much! Luckily for us we know we will always see each other again since we’re both from Stavanger :)

I bought a new hat, scarf, sweater and book. All set for the fall!

This weekend was also an eventful weekend! On friday Lene and I visited our friend Tommy at his “vacation” home. It is about a 45 minute drive from Stavanger, located in the countryside and close to the beach. It is a really sweet little getaway :) Lene and I had bought in baked potatoes, hot dogs and snacks for the evening. We had planned to have a fire and BBQ, but unfortunately it rained, surprise surprise lol :) However, that didn’t stop us from having a great time!

Yesterday, on saturday, we had some pre-drinks at Lene’s before we headed downtown for a girls night out ;) We were determined to make mojitos and had to drive to three different grocery stores before we finally found some fresh mint. Lene also offered us some B52 and tequila shots – it was a good night! I had not been out in Stavanger by night since last summer, so it was fun to check out the night life again.
Getting ready and trying on some outfits:

Silje, me & Lene :)

Today, sunday, Lene and I put on our rain gear and went for a nice long walk on the beach. There were a lot of surfers out there trying to catch some waves!

It is now sunday evening and after such an eventful week I am ready for a good nights sleep. I only have one day left here in Stavanger before I leave on tuesday for my new home; Leiden in the Netherlands. Goedenacht!